Saturday, October 29, 2011

Saturday Post =^.^=

I Finally remembered to post today, Its been a busy month and with school i tend to forget stuff.
2 weeks ago I started iv therapy at the infusion center. It seems to be helping Ive even got some of my color back. Nothing much new happened.I started a new med called  marinol for eds pain and its been helping alot it has THC the same stuff that's in marijuana idk what it is but it really helps alot.For awhile my EDS pain was unbearable and I just couldn't take it anymore.I still have Pain just not as much,I'm not gonna say it will make all you pain go away but it might help.You should always be honest with your Doctor they have your best interest and want to help you.Just a reminder the bake sale is next month November 19th
Almost forgot Its almost Halloween I don't know if you guys still go trick or treating
I still do I take my neighbor and this year were were going with my moms friend and her little girl Sophia
I usually walk a bit and if i get dizzy i sit down,I take the wheelchair so it works out.
Anyways I wish you guys a Happy and safe Halloween =^.^= -Francessca

1 comment:

  1. Happy Halloween! I'm glad that the iv therapy seems to be helping! :)
