If you want to send us a group email, send it to:
Mondays with Rhianne
Hey my name is Rhianne I am 15 and from Australia. I have POTS, vasalva induced syncope, myclonic jerks and dysphagia. I love music, (I used to play trombone), making weird healthy food and school. I want to be an occupational therapist one day.
My personal blog is:
Tuesdays with Logan
Personal blog - http://hislovegivesmewings.wordpress.com/
Jesus loves you! -Logan
Wednesdays with Cheyanne
Hello! My name is Cheyanne. I am 15 years old and live in Florida. I have been diagnosed with Ehlers Danlos Syndrome, dysautonomia (POTS), Gastroparesis, Mastocytic Entercolitis, etc. I love Jesus and Rock 'n Roll. In my spare time I write, listen to music, and blog. One of my old hobbies was playing softball and any type of sport, but that is just one of the many things that this illness has taken away from me. God bless. xx
Hello! My name is Cheyanne. I am 15 years old and live in Florida. I have been diagnosed with Ehlers Danlos Syndrome, dysautonomia (POTS), Gastroparesis, Mastocytic Entercolitis, etc. I love Jesus and Rock 'n Roll. In my spare time I write, listen to music, and blog. One of my old hobbies was playing softball and any type of sport, but that is just one of the many things that this illness has taken away from me. God bless. xx
Thursdays with Miranda
Hey, I'm Miranda, I'm 17 and I live in the US. I am a complete history nerd and love going to museums when I can. In addition to POTS, I have a host of other medical problems, such as: EDS, GERD, hypoglycemia and asthma, to name a few. I love talking to other POTSies or dysautonomics, so feel free to e mail or comment on my blog.
Fridays with Hannah
Hey! I’m Hannah, I’m 17 years old and I am POTSy (Obviously)! I enjoy reading a good book,
writing and doing crafty things! I love listening to music, especially Lecrae! I love God with a passion. And I love helping others. I enjoy experimenting with vegetables and coming up with crazy concoctions to replace the chemicals we use. I hope you enjoy this blog!
blog: http://livingwithdysautonomia.blogspot.com/
email: HannahsDysautonomicLife@live.com
Saturdays with Francessca
Im Francessca pronouced (fran-chess-ka)
Im 17 from baltimore md
i have pots and was diagnoised in 07
i love singing,cosplay,and art
when i grow up i want to be a nurse in oncology pediatrics
my blog is dizzydabee.blogspot.com
Sundays with Erin
Hello all, my name is Erin and I'm a twenty something year old female from the Midwest! As you probably guessed, I too have POTS and also EDS (Ehers-Danlos Syndrome). I enjoy a good book, reality television, and trying to spend as much time as I can with my friends. While POTS/EDS and other illnesses have taken a lot away from me, they have not taken my spirit. I always try to be optimistic and always look for the brighter side of things. So glad you stopped by this blog, as these girls are here to offer much support! Feel free to email me at ambivalentbliss(at)gmail(dot)com and check out my two blogs...
My Life as erinj0
An Informational Blog on EDS/POTS
The substitutes:
Hello there, My name is Michelle. I am a 17 year old living in Houston, Texas. I have Dysautonomia and I'm not sure which form I have but I suspect it's POTS and I'm also convinced I have Fibromyalgia. I have a passionate love affair with photography and hockey, even though I don't play hockey ;]
I'm a quirky and I love to just get away from reality with going to shows around Houston. I have much hope in not being a victim to this disease <3
reach me: