Anyway, I missed last week, from memory I was swamped in homework. How much homework do you guys get? I swear my life at the moment is just school, exercise, homework, bed. It isn't very fun. I had to do an assignment on time management and I actually found it depressing to see how I spend my day and how much of a day is spent:
A good day
Time of day | Activity | Time Taken | Type of activity |
6:30am | Get out of bed | 30mins | Physical |
7:00am | Get ready for school | 45mins | Physical |
7:45am | Drive to school | 30mins | Committed |
8:15am | Play handball | 45mins | Free |
9:00am | School | 1 hr and 50mins | Committed |
10:50am | Recess: | | 10min physical, 10min free |
Eating 10mins | |||
Free 10mins | |||
11:10am | School | 1hr 40min | Committed |
12:50pm | Lunch: | 40min | 10min physical, 10 minute free |
Eating 10min | |||
Social 30min | |||
1:30pm | School: | 1hr 40min | Committed |
3:10pm | Walk downtown | 20min | Free |
3:30pm | Gym | 1hr | Physical |
4:30pm | Drive Home | 15min | Committed |
4:45pm | Afternoon tea | 10min | Physical |
4:55pm | Check email, facebook | 5min | Free |
5:00pm | Study/homework | 2hr | Committed |
7:00pm | Dinner | 30min | Physical |
7:30pm | Watch TV | 1hr | Free |
8:30pm | Shower/get ready for bed | 30min | Physical |
9:00pm | Sleep | 9hrs 30min | Physical |
Time of day | Activity | Time taken | Type of activity |
6:30am | Get out of bed | 30min | Physical |
7:00am | Get ready for school | 45min | Physical |
7:45am | Drive to school | 30min | Committed |
8:15am | Social | 45min | Free |
9:00am | School | 1hr 50min | Committed |
10:50am | Recess | 20min | 10min physical, 10min social |
Eat 10min | |||
Social 10min | |||
11:10am | School | 1hr 40min | Committed |
12:50pm | Lunch: | 40min | 10min physical, 10min free |
Eat 10min | |||
Social 30min | |||
1:30pm | School | 1hr 40min | Committed |
3:10pm | Walk downtown, hang out with friends | 50min | Free |
4:00pm | Doctor’s appointment | 1hr30min | Physical |
5:30pm | Drive home | 15min | Committed |
5:45pm | Afternoon tea | 10min | Physical |
5:55pm | Rest | 35min | Physical |
6:30pm | Dinner | 30min | Physical |
7:00pm | Homework | 1hr | Committed |
8:00pm | Sleep | 10hr 30min | Physical |
A bad day
Time of day | Activity | Time taken | Type of activity |
8:00am | Get out of bed | 1hr | Physical |
9:00am | Rest | 1hr | Physical |
10:00am | Eat Breakfast | 30min | Physical |
10:30am | Sit on floor | 20min | Physical |
10:50am | Get to the other side of the house | 10min | Physical |
11:30am | Shower/wash hair | 30min | Physical |
12:00pm | School work | 2hrs | Committed |
2:00pm | Rest | 1hr | Physical |
3:00pm | School work | 1hr | Committed |
4:00pm | Read English book | 2hrs | Committed |
6:00pm | Eat dinner | 30min | Physical |
6:30pm | Watch TV | 30min | Free |
7:00pm | Shower | 30min | Physical |
7:30pm | Bed | 11hr | Physical |
BTW, if my teacher googles this for plagerism I PROMISE THIS WAS MY DAY!
Anyway, I thought you guys might find that interesting. It is for my community and family studies class.
What else have I been up to? Not much really. Haha. I can't wait until these next two weeks are over because these zillion assignments I have are going to be done. I have one for drama, one for english, one for communuity and family and a maths test next week.
I just scanned through you guys posts and get your questions. I will read them when I have time! Haha. But I did notice Erin hasn't posted so after this post I shall facebook you Erin to see if you are okay. And welcome Christine! (I gave Logan my name so you can add me on facebook if you want and she has my email) and of course Emily! Welcome as well!
The Questions:
What is your preferred exercise? My preferred exercise is running. I know it isnt the best for my pots but it helps me think. I also like Blogilates, search it on youtube. It is POTS friendly.
Brain fog. How bad is it for you, and what exactly do you label brain fog? I have horrible brainfog and memory loss. I label brainfog as being blonde (sorry to any blonde people). My memory issues are so bad I cant remember like six months of my life! Its pretty scary.
Any suggestions for confronting friends who are doing annoying things that bother your dyautonomia? I don't really know. I have really great friends and I usual don't even think about POTS when I am with them. I just be normal.
What settles your heart rate the best? No idea. I have constant tachycardia. HAHA! I wish I knew.
Do you take vitamins? If you do, what do you take? Sometimes a multivitammin and my salt tablets.
How do you deal with a relative who just doesn't understand what it's like to have a chronic illness?
Some family members have made comments to me that are pretty negative but I just shake them off.
My question: if your ten year old self met you now, would they be proud?
I think my 10 year old self would be. They would probably wonder why I don't love the saddle club anymore and got over my dollhouse but I think they would be proud of how I act and how I deal with my life.
See you guys next week !
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